Titbits From Abroad
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Týdenní mozaika 17. - 23. října 2015

23.10.2015 |








Expert That Correctly Predicted Market Moves In July, August And September Says Stocks Will Crash In November

 El TTIP y el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona

Realismo en las izquierdas

Vietnam: From National Liberation to Trans-Pacific Vassal (1975-2015)

The “Real” Cause of the Sudden Syrian Migrant Refugee Crisis into Europe. The Role of Turkey

Selected Articles: The United States and its Allies Confront their “Enemies”

Moscow’s Stance Against US-Supported Terrorism. Obama versus JFK

Britain’s Nuclear Deterrent, Nuclear Power Debacle

Guess Who is Behind the Islamic State: Israeli IDF Colonel Leading ISIS Terrorists Arrested in Iraq

Oborne “wholeheartedly cheering on Corbyn” who has ”brought a wonderful freshness to British politics”

Putin Forces Obama to Capitulate on Syria

Classified Politics: a System and a Clinton in Disrepute

The Colonial Roots of Middle East Conflict

The TPP: Priority #1 of US Multinational Corporations

Twenty-First-Century Fascism

Universities: a Moment of Possibility in South Africa

America’s Self-Imposed Iron Curtain: Denial of Global Aggression

Why Russia is Serious About Fighting Terrorism and the US Isn’t

When Mass Shootings Were Real

 The Financial Crash and the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Media Conspiracy

Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Terrorist Unleashed

 Quantitative Easing Was a Bust; Let’s Try Higher Wages Instead

Генри Киссинджер заявил, что ядерная война неизбежна

Политическая Психотерапия. Цель всех информационных войн, "пятых колонн" - разрушение доверия между людьми. Секреты здоровья общественного организма

МВФ: Ближний Восток столкнется с дефицитом в $1 трлн

Pourquoi Erdoğan en personne et l’État turc profond se trouvent derrière le massacre d’Ankara

Should We Be Worried About China?

Bernie Sanders and the "Washington Consensus"

Debunking Attacks on Sanders That Depict Obama as Lefty Failure, Not Neoliberal Success

An Ample Presence of Corpses: The Legacy of George W. Bush

What If They Gave a War and Everyone Came? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Украина против России. Юридическая война

Сотворение мусульманской Европы

США предлагают решить проблемы Сирии разделом её на анклавы

Выборы в Швейцарии и переосмысление европейских ценностей

О миссии России на Ближнем Востоке

Меркель в Анкаре. Умейте читать между строк

НАТО и милитаризация Польши

Дефолт Украины, отчаянные манёвры Киева и закулисная деятельность МВФ

La Batalla diplomática y política en torno a la Crisis de Octubre. El papel de la ONU (II)

Cuba-Estados Unidos: El bloqueo tiene las horas contadas (II y final)

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Defends Her Legacy as Secretary of State at Benghazi Hearing

‘The Drone Papers’ Offer Even More Reasons to End Remote-Controlled Wars

What Clinton Got Wrong About Snowden

Killing Off Community Banks: Intended Consequence of Dodd-Frank?

VIDEO: U.S. Ally Saudi Arabia Prepares to Behead, Crucify Young Pro-Democracy Protester

"Proxy" War No More: Qatar Threatens Military Intervention In Syria Alongside "Saudi, Turkish Brothers"

"Western" Media Silent As Iraq And 4+1 Inflict Huge Islamic State Defeat

Remember When U.S. Officials Loved Assad?

Thoughts on the American Empire and Its Decline

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Shrinking the Technosphere: Updated

How US Special Interests Use Political Technologies to Keep the Population Fooled

Netanyahu Is a History Revisionist

Lawsuit Filed in US Court Against Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak

Over A Year Before 9/11, Trump Wrote Of Terror Threat With Remarkable Clarity

Things Are Getting Scary

Global Police, Precrime and the War on Domestic ‘Extremists’

Russia Destroys The Greater Israel Dream

Shlomo Sand: ‘I Wish to Resign and Cease Considering Myself a Jew’

Trump: Bush Had “Advanced Notice” of 9/11

Superyacht Getaway Subs And Luxury Bomb Shelters: The Elite Are The Most Paranoid Preppers Of All